4 Ways Your Company Can Win Over Millennials

Ilan Nass
by Ilan Nass 26 Feb, 2014

Sure, you may or may not be able to relate to a millennial, but that doesn't mean your company can't win them over. You've got enough determination, gusto and, heck, all around awesomeness, right? Of course you do.

You're one of those smart businesses that realize millennials are here to stay and ready to spend some cash. You wouldn't want to miss out on this major opportunity. Millennials are predicted to spend about 2.45 trillion dollars by the time 2015 rolls around.

Let's face it, these people are your major consumers now and in the future. If we, at Fueled.com, can give you some advice: you'd better get started now to win them over.

Don't Treat Them Like They're Stupid

Yeah, sure, like, they can't remember....well...something you may have said a few minutes ago. Can they even imagine a world without the Internet? Probably not, but these guys have unlimited access to Google and other technology, making them more informed than you might believe. They've probably researched all major purchases beforehand, which include trolling online forums and asking friends on social media.

What does this mean for you? Well, if a business rips someone off or provides less than stellar service, you bet a millennial is going to spread that news like wildfire.

Be Social

Don't just go all viral on them and expect them to like it. Give your target audience some substance to talk about. These guys are clever, and actually like to have conversations around a product. Want a clever marketing plan? Figure out a way for people to talk about your product in a way that doesn't just involve whether or not they will buy it. Think about Instagram. It's a simple social media app but, my gosh, think about how many conversations have started around that product.

Go Online, Duh

True, having an Internet presence is definitely a no brainer. Growing up with the Internet, of course millennials would prefer making purchases online. With so many retailers offering excellent services such as free expedited shipping, and monitoring recurring shipments (e.g., for items you may need to restock), you better make sure you raise the bar like so many already have. 

You win extra points if you can make payment easy and painless. Think about using services such as Paypal, where millennials don't have to think about inputting billing information. After all, they've got short attention spans.

Keep Them Coming Back With Excellent Products and Services

Millennials have an uncanny ability to find competitors easily, so you better make sure you provide excellent products and services. Not only will they will keep coming back for more, but they'll also spread the word their friends and family. With new stuff cropping up by the second, millennials truly rely on word of mouth to find the products they should really care about.

Again, don't think millennials are stupid. They are very loyal to their brands, as long as those brands treat them right. You'd hate to have your business' reputation go down the drain within days, all because a few people decided to post not so nice comments on their social media accounts.

Ilan Nass is the head of marketing at Fueled, the leading iPhone app builder in New York City, renowned for its award winning mobile design and strategy.