A Pin-Worthy Personalization Idea

Did you know that 47 percent of online consumers have made a purchase based on merchandise they saw on Pinterest?


This figure from BlogHer, is one reason why email marketing services provider Listrak recommends a "social Saturday" email campaign as one way to boost sales and social interaction after the holidays.


In its "Personalization is Key to Post-Holiday Campaigns" whitepaper, Listrak predicts that merchants will not only generate more revenue from an email campaign with their "most pinned items," but customers will also repin the items from the email, expanding the reach and, ultimately, leading to even more sales.



Listrak advises retailers to take this step further to show the most pinned products in specific categories based on each shopper's personal preferences and past purchases. Doing so will greatly increase conversions, average order value and email return on investment.


Other suggestions in the white paper include sending a weekly campaign showing shoppers new merchandise that relates to them, creating a campaign with products with the highest customer ratings and reviews and other ideas.