Female Small Business Owners Better at Mitigating Risks [Data Shows]

From contract disputes to customer injuries, small businesses faced a number of incidents in 2016 - and, if Murphy's Law has anything to say about it they will likely face these incidents and others in 2017 and beyond.

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After surveying over 1,000 small business owners, Insureon found that women business owners, however, were 18.6 percent more likely than men business owners to report they had no insurable incidents in 2016. 

How can this figure be explained? Ted Devine, CEO of Insureon, says women may take a safer approach to running their businesses. For instance, a separate Insureon study found that 25 percent of women have no growth plans for 2017 versus 11 percent of men business owners. Since women are less likely to take risk on growth, new debt or employees it makes sense, according to the company, that they experience fewer insurable incidents. Women also tend to be sole proprietors -  eliminating their exposure to employee injuries.