Mobile Email Opens Decline Slightly

Mobile email opens and conversions declined in the UK in Q2 2015 according to new research from Movable Ink.

The UK Consumer Device Preference Report for Q2 2015 shows that mobile devices accounted for 69 percent of all emails opened, which is a decline from 71 percent in Q1. According to the data, the iPhone accounted for more than 35 percent of emails opened, followed by 31 percent on desktops, 26 percent on iPads and just 5 percent on Android phones.

Email conversions from mobile devices also decreased in Q1, dropping by 3 percent and making up just 59 percent of conversions in Q2. That said, tablet devices accounted for 37 percent of mobile email conversions while smartphones accounted for 22 percent. 

The research also found that tablet users spend less time in the inbox, spending less than three seconds on 43 percent of the emails that they open. Conversely, smartphone users spend the most time reading their emails, with Android users being the most engaged and spending more than 15 second on 49 percent of their emails.

It is also important to note that the study shed light on the most popular times of day for email opens. The data shows that email opens on desktops reached their peak during traditional working hours in Q2, while tablet opens peaked mostly in the evening.