Tech Evangelists and Targeting the Right Mobile Audience

A recent study from International Data Corporation reveals what many mobile marketers have simply assumed all along - that targeting "tech evangelists" will lead to a higher return on investment and greater success with mobile apps.

IDC's ConsumeScape 360 research program identified six consumer market segments - tech evangelists, impulse buyers, experimental adopters, pragmatic purchasers, green buyers, and disengaged functionalists. But when it comes to who is most influential, look no further than tech evangelists.

"Tech evangelists not only own the most devices and utilize the most advanced functions, features, and apps, they are also the group that drives adoption of device ownership and usage by other market segments," said Michael DeHart, director of IDC's Global ConsumerScape 360° program.

"In terms of formulating a strategy for the prioritization of app development and marketing, focusing on Tech Evangelists' download and usage of apps will deliver the largest ROI by far in terms of segment-based app development and marketing," added DeHart.