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10 Ways to Improve Your Team's Productivity

Written by Aby League | Mar 29, 2014 5:00:00 AM

Working with a team will always have its obstacles, from managing personalities to managing projects. There is no greater organizational challenge, however, than when a group or professionals just aren't productive. 

If your team isn't productive, then you're not going to achieve personal and company goals. And if you don't achieve what you set out to do, there are going to be problems. No one wants to deal with a problem, which is why it is important to figure out how to boost your team's productivity before one arises.

1. Try On Their Shoes

To make your team more productive, ask yourself what you can do to improve project management. To answer this question, put yourself in the shoes of your team members. If you were a team member, what would you want your manager to do? If you can't see a project from their point of view, ask them what their concerns are, so you can come up with a way to improve team dynamics. After all, as the one responsible for task management, it is up to you to bring your pack to the top where they belong. 

2. Show Them the Benjamins 

You have to face the fact that while your team is working on a project everyone is passionate about, bills don't pay themselves that's why economic incentives will always have a positive effect. Not to mention that it's just right. As professionals, everyone deserves to get what they deserve and if they haven't been compensated in some way for an increase in workload, it may be showing with a decrease in productivity.    

3. Offer Constructive Feedback 

Working with a team these days doesn't require everyone to be physically in the same location daily. Collaboration tools make it easier to communicate with each other so use that to your advantage, so remote teams don't feel alienated and feel you're committed to their success too. Providing constructive feedback regularly - whether employees are on site or off - will help boost productivity because it ensures everyone is on point with the goals of the team.

4. Show R.E.S.P.E.C.T.

Being respected makes people feel good about themselves, so it's a great motivator. When people feel that you respect them as individuals and not just for the job they do, they're more likely to go the extra mile for the team, making them more productive and tuned in. 

5. Provide Training

Even with feedback, respect and compensation, businesses sometimes need to turn to productivity tools to manage their projects, but even with the best solutions, teams need to be trained on the features they should be using and what tasks they need to accomplish. People say when you want something done right, do it yourself. But in the case of software project management, training is the best course of action. 

6. Be Supportive

Support can come in different forms, so this gives you a number of options with which you can show that you have your team's back. When times of need come and you were there offering your support, this won't be forgotten. You reap what you sow and whatever you've invested will come back to you in a form of loyalty that creates stronger team bonds and employees start working for each other. 

7. Don't Be Shy With Praise

You don't gain anything from being stingy with praise so might as well dole it out where it is warranted. Recognition motivates more than economic incentives and you know how well money motivates. If your team did good work according to a project management tool, tell them. The validation will fuel them to do even better next time and that just means more success for everyone.

8. Walk the Talk 

Don't expect you can go about enhancing productivity when you're caught being lazy or late one too many times. If you want them to improve on their time management, be on time yourself. If you want tasks done properly, then make sure you do yours perfectly. Lead by example. If you want to improve team productivity, be a productive manager.

9. Arm Your Time With the Right Tools

No one can do decent work if they don't have decent tools and equipment. If you want to improve productivity, look not at just how you do things but what you use to do what you do. You'd be surprised at how much more productive people can be when they're given the right tools to work with. Often, employees these concerns, managers need to listen and then, of course, take action. 

10. Avoid Micromanaging 

While you're concerned about maximizing business team's productivity right now, remember that you got that team because each member is a capable individual. If a certain task has to be done in a specific way, give your instructions then step away. Don't hover. Micromanaging just gets in the way of agile project management because it prevents your team from focusing on the task at hand.

Moving Forward

It's difficult to be in charge of a team but you have to rise to the occasion when a challenge comes along. Better project time management is essential if you want to succeed, but mostly keep in mind that you're working with people. Use the right tools. Talk to your team. Be part of the team. You're all in this together and these tips should help you ensure that you stay together longer as a successful team.

About the Author: Aby League is a qualitative researcher and a passionate writer. You can see more of her articles on Elite Daily.