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jQuery to the Rescue!

Written by Peter Devereaux | Mar 1, 2013 6:00:00 AM

Registration forms are the gateway to conversions and ultimately profits. They are a way to collect valuable information, such as contact information and demographics, but overly complicated or lengthy forms can turn away users.

Website Magazine has come to the rescue with this list of eight great jQuery plugins that improve the user experience.

Slide-in jQuery Contact Form 

Improve the user experience by creating a slide-in jQuery contact form. The layout's goal is when a user clicks on "Contact Us" the contact form will slide down.

A Facebook-Like Registration Form

More than 1 billion people have used Facebook's registration form to sign up for the social service, which must mean the registration page is easy to use and effective. Why not incorporate a similar form on your site?

A Switching Login and Registration Form 

Give users the ability to switch effortlessly  between a login and registration form with HTML5 and CSS3. Users will appreciate the sharp-looking option, and website owners will love the results. 

Smart Wizard 2.0

By grouping contents into sections, this flexible jQuery plug-in provides users with the number of steps ahead of time, so they know exactly where they are in the process. It also saves page space and looks neat and streamlined.

Registration Form Progress Bar

Manage registrant's expectations with this progress bar that indicates which step of registration a user is currently on.

Autotab and Filter Plugin

To reduce registration abandonment, it's important to assist users in any way possible. One way is through auto-tabbing and filtering the form's different fields. This guides a visitor through the fields based on a certain pre-defined number of characters allowed for, say, a phone number.


Let the autocomplete jQuery plugin do the heavy lifting for users. This plugin enables visitors to find and select matching values.

Gravity Registration Form

This plugin offers a 'gravigational' effect that is a bit edgier than traditional registration forms, but very eye-catching and to the point.