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New Version of coComment (3.0)

Written by Pete Prestipino | Sep 12, 2008 5:00:00 AM

Conversation tracker coComment has announced a new version of its popular free tool and a partnership with to "extend and enhance" user profiles.

Some interesting statistics on coComment:
- 4.1 million unique users per month
- Over 22 million conversations have been tracked
- 280,000 sites are currently tracked by coComment

Some highlights of the new version include a new design which highlights active online conversations and prominently features rankings in popular categories including groups, sites, tags, etc. A more streamlined navigation will directs users to coComment's key MycoComment feature, where users track their conversations and get notified when others respond; and to Discover, where users can explore online conversation and find the best and most active commenters, conversations, and groups.

As part of the launch of coComment 3.0, the company also announced a partnership with retaggr that allows commenters to extend and share their online persona. The partnership with retaggr ( offers coComment users the ability to create a single, always-updated, interactive business card linked to their coComment conversations and their activity on a wide range of social media platforms such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Flickr, and other popular services.