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Plotaverse Image Animation in Review

Written by Peter Devereaux | Jan 16, 2023 6:00:00 AM

Movement and motion captivate the animal brain, capturing attention on an instinctual level.

While too much motion of course is bound to make users repel and head for the exits, the "right" amount can provide exactly the effect I bet you're looking to create - a level of engagement capable of eliciting the desired response from users.

But how do you create a clever and immersive experience such as this? Website Magazine was fortunate enough recently to test out Plotaverse, and while there are hundreds if not thousands of tools and techniques that can be used to accomplish a similar result, fellow Web workers, this one is absolutely worth a closer look.

Plotaverse is a suite of applications that enables users/designers to animate images and videos; but this is no mere run of the mill image manipulation or modification service. This application is a true animation engine/platform at its core and in capable hands it could prove to be exactly the solution that digital artists need to develop a memorable and engaging experience for users.

What we liked about the platform, particuarly the Plotagraph application, was the relative ease of of use. Setting a few animation and stop points ( there are numerous tutorials available to guide users to creating these assets) is all that's really required and with a little time for making subtle adjustments, pretty much anyone can develop something compelling and creative.

The platform itself (which is available for all major operating systems) can be somewhat "tempermental" in our experience (probably due to large file sizes) but we were able to pick up how to use the system quite easily and even manage to generate the "creative" asset seen below (which pales in comparison, of course, to what's available by other "real" artists in the Plotaverse).

Access to the suite of applications is quite reasonable ( starts at $9.99/mo with an annual contract, or $99 for the year with no contract) but if you're going to use the system, and can use it creatively, it could prove to be a good investment in the design toolbox.