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Product Listing Integrity; a Q&A With Jenn Markey, VP of Marketing at 360pi

Written by Peter Devereaux | Mar 20, 2017 5:00:00 AM
It isn't hard to imagine how a poor user experience can negatively impact a company's bottom line; the question is, what B2B sellers and consumer-facing Internet retailers can do to ensure that they deliver what it is that shoppers want.

Website Magazine interviewed 360pi's VP of Marketing Jenn Markey to find out what is it that consumers expect from today's shopping experience and the answers might just surprise today's Internet retailers.


Jenn Markey (JM): For digital consumers, product descriptions are a proxy for shopper confidence and trust.

According to a recent Salsify survey, 90% of consumers shop online today and 88% expect product information to be accurate, rich, and complete if they are going to proceed with their purchase. In fact, detailed product descriptions ranked first in buying decision criteria among surveyed shoppers, higher than reviews (2nd) and price (3rd).

Shoppers have different content expectations depending on the type of product being considered. According to a recent Shotfarm survey, clothing shoppers rank offering images with multiple images first in terms of product content expectations, whereas consumer electronics shoppers rank the quality supplied #1.

The quality and completeness of online product listings have a direct and quantifiable impact on cart abandonments, product sales, repeat purchases, and brand equity. Some stats from the same Shotfarm survey:

- 1 in 4 shoppers have abandoned their cart due to poor product content
- 87% of shoppers are unlikely to consider a retailer again if they provided incorrect information for a purchased product
- 42% cite returning a product in the past year specifically because of poor product content

JM: The primary customer for our 360Commerce solution is a mid-size brand manufacturer that is seeking to:

- Benchmark and improve their digital share of shelf
- Boost their product listing integrity to drive channel performance
- Minimize returns and associated costs

360Commerce does this by:

- Tracking the relative placement and position of products on channel partner sites over time
- Identifying the product listing keywords that shoppers use to find products
- Ensuring the use of the right product content including titles, descriptions, and images across channel partner sites
- Finding inaccurate product descriptions and poor quality images that drive up return rates unnecessarily

360Commerce is one unified platform that collects and compiles shopper demand signals with product information on retail sites to drive brand market share and margins.