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Roadmap to 1 Million Visitors

Written by Pete Prestipino | Jan 16, 2023 6:00:00 AM

There are two types of websites: those with huge amounts of traffic and those that tell others they have a huge amount of traffic.

For those whose websites still don't receive many visitors (or those who simply want more) remember that if you are not willing to pay for an audience to experience your message (advertising) and products/services, there are only a few alternative channels/opportunities to do so; namely,  search engines and direct referrals.
In both instances, success (when it i defined by the number of actual conversions) through each of these channels relies on the quality of the experience provided on a site ( i.e., is it worthy of the search engine ranking that page/experience is assigned or of that referral from another site?).
To make this conversion-inducing state a reality, of course, there are many essential steps that must be addressed, an underlying process (and philosophy of sorts) which should be used to filter through the fluff and focus in on only those efforts that will be beneficial for the campaign and bring companies closer to meeting and exceeding their performance objectives. 
While the road map to one million yearly visitors will vary based on the industry and the audience that needs to be attracted to sell products, information or services, these three areas are where every brand's attention is best spent. 
- Competitive research and identifying adjunct audiences.
"Knowing the competition" isn't just standard business advice, it's essential guidance.
Without a complete understanding of who the competitors are, their approach to messaging, the type of experience, and the successes and failures of each, it's hard to develop a digital presence that can compete. Engage in the research, because the rewards are immense. 
During the research, make an effort to identify the partnerships and technology integrations in place at those companies you'll be competing against as they may expose audiences that otherwise may not have been immediately identifiable and could contribute to achieving performance objectives.
- People, influence and impact
The thing we most often forget is that the Internet isn't just an immense network of connected devices (or tubes), it connects people to experiences. It's the people that companies depend on for their success, and it is the people that need to be engaged if websites hope to reach their traffic target levels.
What marketers should be after here is influencer access, and the ability to position their message in front of those that will be able to use their influence to help companies attract more visitors. Filter through and assign value scores to various opportunities so that the best can be prioritize accordingly.
Without support from key insiders it's nearly impossible to achieve any level of success. Don't be discouraged if this sounds complicated; ultimately what we're after isn't anything more than regular, positive acknowledgement.
- Developing & Distributing Experiences
Those websites with significant amounts of traffic invest in the development and distribution of high-end, high quality experiences (engaging content, descriptive product details) that benefit their audience of sales prospects and existing clients. 
The better the experience, the greater the opportunity brands will have to attract attention more broadly and further their acquisition objectives. The question is, what kind of content experiences are you creating? Are these experiences really that engaging and are they being distributed in locations where more people can see them? If not, head back to the digital drawing board.  
There's no shortcut to reaching the one million visitor level (monthly or annually) but there are some absolutes - understanding the market (research), focusing on the value proposition to the market's audience, and developing and distributing experiences which speak to their wants and needs. 
Getting to the million mark isn't impossible; if you set your mind to it and keep focused on these three things, you'll be on your way.