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Want to Be the Best in Your Niche?

Written by William Sarto | Feb 28, 2016 6:00:00 AM

The online market is fierce; there are too many competing businesses with good products and solid services wanting to win this race. More so than ever before, success relies on effective marketing to better position a brand in front of its competitors.

Along with an understanding of digital best practices, a good marketing specialist needs to be creative as engaging an audience is what acquires and keeps customers in today's very competitive marketplace.

Evoke curiosity

Do you remember these websites with posts such as "8 Celebrities who destroyed their beauty" or "I cried when I heard the story of this little boy..."?

Most of them are trashy and have no valuable information in them, but somehow they attract a huge audience. How do they do it? That's right, they intrigue. You probably wouldn't intentionally look for such content, but when you see an intriguing title, you think "why not, I can spend a minute on it."

This example shows how people's curiosity can bring a company traffic or money - giving a brand an opportunity to win them over. It is very important to make people interested, because even if they give you their email address, it doesn't always mean they are interested. If you fail to evoke their curiosity, they may not open your letters, make an order or simply come back to the site.

Entertain your visitors

What would you prefer - playing a video game or visiting a boring corporate website? I suppose you'd rather play.

Why don't you make it fun for your visitors as well? You can make the interface more colorful and organize interactive communication with people in the form of games or other elements. For example, you can offer your visitors an interesting test and, thus, turn them into your clients. You can see a great example of this strategy created by the Crew. Its, "How much to make an app" test is cleverly created to increase the company's income. It catches and holds your attention while providing leads for its company and standing out in its niche.

Content marketing strategy

The majority of marketing specialists says that good content is the key to success. People are tired of meaningless text, repetitive material and boring articles. They want to be excited and want to feel that they consume something important. Consider keyword research when developing content to understand what is currently popular or what topics could need more content.

Collect Leads

Marketing is not only about attracting people to your site but it's also about ensuring you capture the lead. For example, a company could offer a free course but require an email to sign-up or they could hold a social contest that requires them to Like their social page. Even better, they can create valuable content like the "app cost" calculator above to engage audiences while capturing info.


When it comes to online marketing, tactics change all the time as new trends appear and people's preferences evolve. Make sure you keep track of your campaigns' successes and failures, as well as your competitors' to be the best in your niche regardless of how your industry grows.

William Sarto is a content strategist at GoHunters, an English essay and research paper editing and proofreading service for college students and academics.