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Website Magazine Bookshelf

Written by Pete Prestipino | Oct 31, 2008 5:00:00 AM

The following tomes are those which Website Magazine staffers have read throughout the year and those which have been included in our weekly newsletters the past few months.

The 4-Hour Workweek: Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere, and Join the New Rich: Tim Ferriss' Four Hour Workweek changed the way I live and work and with any luck it will do the same for you. Whether you are an overworked and overwhelmed employee or an entrepreneur looking for more of everything, this book is the guiding light for millions in pursuit of something different. Start creating a meaningful work and life experience now with The 4-Hour Workweek.

Producing Open Source Software: How to Run a Successful Free Software Project: The corporate market is now embracing free, "open source" software like never before, as evidenced by the recent success of the technologies underlying LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP). Each is the result of a publicly collaborative process among numerous developers who volunteer their time and energy to create better software. If you're thinking about developing an open-source project, look no further.  

Killer Web Content:
Make the Sale, Deliver the Service, Build the Brand
Gerry McGovern's Killer Web Content provides the strategies and practical techniques you need to get the very best out of your web content. Discover how to provide your websites visitors with the right content at the right time, write compelling web content that users respond to and want more of, and how to make sure your website has the best possible chance of getting into the first page of search results.

The Innovator's Toolkit: 50+ Techniques for Predictable and Sustainable Organic Growth
Growing a company isn't easy-and it's even more difficult to do on a sustainable basis if you don't have a system for innovation built into your organization. The Innovator's Toolkit explains more than fifty fundamental tools and concepts that anyone involved with innovation should know-including methods and strategies for improving products and services and techniques for developing new ones.

Content Rich: Writing Your Way to Wealth on the Web
Who's the king? Content is the king - even for SEOs.  Author Jon Wuebben provides online marketers and copywriters of any expertise level a masterful look at SEO friendly copywriting, content writing, and key word research. Rich content is increasingly important in a world of Web 2.0, social media, and viral video, so while you may not make it all the way to "wealth" on the Web, you'll certainly be a better copywriter on the whole for reading Content Rich.

The New Rules of Marketing and PR
How often during your daily Web reading does some "expert" advise that what you really want to do is utilize news releases, blogs, podcasting and viral marketing to reach buyers? Probably very often, right? Learn the new rules of marketing and PR and figure out how to genuinely engage potential buyers through these emerging mediums.

Endless Referrals: Network Your Everyday Contacts Into Sales
The primary challenge for designers and developers is not always in keeping up with the latest technologies, techniques and tactics. It's often in finding new clients to put that knowledge to work. Discover how to turn your existing contacts into referral machines with proven network marketing techniques. Read more about Endless Referrals

Click Here to Order: Stories of the World's Most Successful Internet Marketing Entrepreneurs
While the general public is familiar with the larger Internet companies such as Yahoo!, Google, eBay and Amazon, very few are aware that small business is thriving online like never before, especially in the realm of information products. An entertaining and instructive narrative that provides an in-depth look at the unintentionally underground movement known as Infoproduct marketing, and the people who have profited and succeeded in the industry.

Web Development and Design Foundations with XHTML:
A stellar tome explaining important Web development and design concepts which provides step-by-step presentations. With Web design focused activities, as well as Hands-On Practices, Hands-On Exercises, website Case Studies, and valuable reference material, this book has everything a beginning Web developer needs.

Advertising 2.0: Social Media Marketing in a Web 2.0 World
Dr. Tracy Tuten's provides an exceptional overview of the inner working of the virtual world. Armed with case studies from leading Web marketers, you'll walk away with practical advice on how to navigate new media by understanding the psychology behind consumer choices. Covers consumer generated advertising, alternate reality games, online product reviews, viral videos and more. Check out Advertising 2.0 - Social Media Marketing in a Web 2.0 World.

Search Engine Marketing, Inc.: Driving Search Traffic to Your Company's Web Site
The second edition of Bill Hunt and Mike Moran's popular book armed thousands of professional search marketers with practical guidance on how to achieve success with SEO and SEM. The second edition is now completely updated with new techniques, tools, best practices and a bonus DVD. If you're new to SEO and SEM or want to brush up on your skills, this is a must read.

Sams Teach Yourself PHP, MySQL and Apache All in One:
Very few people are born with a preternatural ability to build applications. Most are forced to teach themselves - like me. One of the best ways to do that (and again, I speak from personal experience) is Sams Teach Yourself PHP, MySQL and Apache All in One. This very hands-on guide to building sites and databases is the one book I lend out that is the slowest to return. Learn how to create dynamic, interactive websites and apps using three opeb-souce web dev technologies.

Social Media Marketing: An Hour a Day
If the idea of starting a social media marketing campaign overwhelms you, the author of Social Media Marketing: An Hour a Day will introduce you to the basics, demonstrate how to manage details and describe how you can track results. Case studies, step-by-step guides, checklists, quizzes and hands-on tutorials will help you execute a social media marketing campaign in just one hour a day.

Ready, Fire, Aim: Zero to $100 Million in No Time Flat
Whether you’re thinking about starting a new business or growing an existing one, Ready, Fire, Aim has what you need to succeed in your entrepreneurial endeavors. In it, self-made multimillionaire and bestselling author Masterson shares the knowledge he has gained from creating and expanding numerous businesses and outlines a focused strategy for guiding a small business through the four stages of entrepreneurial growth. Along the way, Masterson teaches you the different skills needed in order to excel in this dynamic environment.

Changing the Channel:
12 Easy Ways to Make Millions for Your Business
Given the multitude of avenues that a business owner or marketer can use to access today's customers, the days when one could rely on a single channel to bring in great results and big profits are gone. Today's most successful campaigns take advantage of multi-channel marketing by offering customers multiple ways to buy. In Changing the Channel, authors Michael Masterson and Mary Ellen Tribby provide readers with a detailed overview of multi-channel marketing and explain its benefits, pitfalls, and great potential for profits.