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Using Indulgent Adjectives to Drive Conversion

Written by Pete Prestipino | Jan 16, 2023 6:00:00 AM

An interesting study was published recently in JAMA Internal Medicine from Stanford University's Psychology Department that reveals that "rich, descriptive, and delicious" labels for vegetables makes them more appealing to consumers.

What exactly does this have to do with websites or the content that appears on those websites? Keep reading.

The study indicated that "indulgent" descriptors for vegetables outperformed those with more basic descriptors - "corn" vs "rich buttery roasted sweet corn". The results were jaw dropping by all accounts - vegetables labeled in an indulgent way saw a 23 percent increase compared to basic labels. And compared to "healthy" restrictive labels (like reduced sodium corn), indulgent descriptors increased the choice of veggies by 33 percent.

So again, what does this have to do with development of content? In a word, everything. While it is important to be accurate and honest in the website copy that is presented, consumers are still drawn to what sounds appealing. Concentrate copywriting efforts on product and service descriptions that are selling the sizzle, and not just the steak.