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PR Firms Provide the Best Social Media Experience

Written by Michael Phillips | Mar 21, 2011 5:00:00 AM

Social media usage is about to level off. According to a new report by eMarketer, new users of social media will slow while the social networking audience is beginning to mature and become more discerning. So, it will be more important than ever to make sure that your business uses social media to its greatest potential. Part of that means connecting meaningfully with consumers -- both existing customers and the soon-to-be trickle of new social media connections. And who is best when it comes to making meaninful social media connections? PR firms, according to a separate report published by eMarketer.

In that study, conducted by Transworld Advertising Agency Network and Worldcom Public Relations Group, PR agencies are reporting rising revenues from social media. In 2010, 28% of the PR firms surveyed reported that social media accounted for between 15-33% of their revenues. In 2011, it is expected that 40% of the PR firms surveyed will report the same. In other words, PR firms are seeing more business centered on social media.

It makes sense that firms focused on public outreach and engagement would fare the best in an area like social media. These seasoned professionals know how to get public attention and connect with consumers. As social media matures and solidifies its spot as a top marketing/consumer outreach resource, it seems reasonable to hire a company to manage your company's social presence. It might soon be that social media management leaves the realm of interns and recent college graduates and takes its place as a business-critical marketing channel worthy of hired professionals.