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Sign In With Slack

Written by Peter Devereaux | May 11, 2016 5:00:00 AM

Slack is dabbling in social login, as the enterprise social network has unveiled a new feature called "Sign in with Slack."

The feature provides users with a way to sign up for apps with their Slack identity. With the feature, Slack aims to help keep teams connected across the apps that they use for work.

"When a user signs up for your app using Sign in with Slack, they'll be instantly connected to their teammates within your product. For customers, this is an invisible but delightful feature. It exemplifies our mission in action, Ää-, Äämaking people's working lives simpler, more pleasant, and more productive, Ää-, Ääby keeping teams effortlessly in sync," Slack said in its announcement.

It is important to note that Sign in with Slack enables developers to whitelist an entire Slack team as a group of new users, which eases billing and IT administration and improves the end-user experience. What's more, the feature makes it fast for users to sign into apps, is simple to use and is secure. Brands already leveraging the login feature include Quip and Figma.

Developers can integrate Sign in with Slack into their app with OAuth 2.0. Slack notes that it has created a new set of OAuth scopes to let developers choose which bits of user and team information are needed to sign in. For example, developers can request access to basic identifying information, the user's email address, profile image and more.