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Twitter Caters to Its Largely Inactive Audience

Written by Amberly Dressler | Jan 22, 2015 6:00:00 AM

Sixty-three percent of Facebook users log on the social network daily. On Twitter, brands are lucky if their followers log in weekly (more than half of Twitter users log in weekly or less often, combined). This means the majority of a brand's followers are not seeing their messaging on a regular basis. What's more, at the speed of which the Twitter feed refreshes, companies are lucky to get their tweets in front of followers at all. 

Determined by engagement and "other factors," Twitter will now surface a few of the "best" Tweets a user may have missed while they were gone. According to Twitter's blog those users who already spend a lot of time on Twitter will see this snapshot less, while inactive users will see it more. 

Recaps, marked with a "While you were away" heading, began to appear for all Twitter for iOS users on Jan. 21, according to Twitter's blog, and on Android app and soon.