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Twitter Unveils Syndicated Promoted Tweets

Written by Peter Devereaux | Feb 3, 2015 6:00:00 AM

Twitter is expanding the reach of Promoted Tweets beyond its social network, as the company has announced new partnerships to syndicate Promoted Tweets with Flipboard and Yahoo! Japan.

According to the social network, there were approximately 185 billion Tweet impressions off of Twitter in the third quarter of 2014. With Twitter's new partnerships, thousands of brands already advertising on Twitter will have the opportunity to extend the reach of their message to a larger audience. In fact, Twitter syndicated ads will be seen by users within Twitter content sections on third-party properties, as well as within third-party content areas.

"Let's say Nissan is running a Promoted Tweet campaign on Twitter, but also trying to reach similar audience on a mobile application like Flipboard. Through this new partnership, Nissan could run a Promoted Tweet campaign on Twitter, with specific creative and targeting, and simultaneously run the campaign off Twitter, with the same targeting and creative in the Flipboard app," Twitter states in its announcement. "Best of all, because Flipboard already integrates organic Tweets into the app, the Promoted Tweet will have the same look and feel that is native to the Flipboard experience."

The social network goes on to note that in a small number of private tests with Flipboard, both Flipboard and advertising partners saw "promising results." Moreover, Twitter notes that this is the first of many opportunities to create such campaigns, which could mean that the social network will unveil additional partners for syndicated ads later this year.