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Editor's Letter: Beyond Design

Written by Pete Prestipino | Jan 16, 2023 6:00:00 AM
There are three pillars to "Web Success" - design and development, marketing and promotion, and analysis and optimization. The secret to true digital achievement of course is realizing that these virtual pillars must be balanced and working harmoniously for the benefit of users (visitors) and the enterprise itself. Easier said than done? Not at all.

What Web professionals quickly realize is that without an actual product (one that has been expertly developed and designed), however, the other pillars (marketing and promotion, analysis and optimization) cannot effectively support a digital endeavor.

There are thousands of tools, technologies, techniques and solutions available to help enterprises like yours master the nuances of crafting a functional and compelling digital experience, of course, but true success requires that enterprises go beyond design. Way beyond.

In this month's Website Magazine feature article, co-founder of public relations platform Babbler, Hannah Oiknine, shares lessons learned from the redesign of her product's user experience and user interface within a startup accelerator environment (Techstars). As the author of our first contributed feature-speaking to the importance of learning from readers' journeys as well-she provides valuable guidance for anyone ready to question and validate their assumptions as they set out to ensure the optimal digital experience.

This issue of Website Magazine (#123) also provides insights on a range of timeless topics useful to digital professionals that go beyond design including conversion optimization, relationship-building and email marketing, as well as insights on how to prepare for Google's upcoming mobile-first index and why and how 2018 can be your year for a retail renaissance. Readers will also find a list of 50 interactive content and design tools and a powerful commentary on the traits of "iconic" marketers.

Enjoy this issue of Website Magazine and visit us on the 'Net where our editors and industry contributors publish content daily that matters to the success of your enterprise.

Best Web Wishes, 
Peter Prestipino