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Amazon Wins Customer Satisfaction Wars

Written by Allison Howen | Dec 6, 2013 6:00:00 AM

When it comes to customer satisfaction, Amazon is king.

ForeSee's first Experience Index study is shedding light on customer experiences with the top 100 brands across seven industries. The data reveals that Amazon leads the way with a customer satisfaction score of 87. Comparatively, both Avon and Nordstrom tied for second place with a score of 86, while Facebook found itself toward the bottom of the list, with a score of 69.

When it comes to other tech companies, Apple received a score of 83, which is just two points better than Google, Dell and Intel's score of 81. Also worth noting is eBay with a score of 82, IBM with a score of 80, HP with a score of 79 and Microsoft with a score of 78.

To prove just how impactful customer satisfaction is to an enterprise's bottom line, the study also looked at future behaviors of satisfied customers. For instance, when comparing highly satisfied customers (with a score of 80 or higher) to less satisfied customers (with scores of 69 or less), the highly satisfied customers are 60 percent more likely to do business with the company, 83 percent more likely to purchase more and 77 percent more likely to give the brand a positive recommendation.

"ForeSee's Experience Index reveals some surprising customer experience winners and losers and really indicates that those companies giving customers what they want are positioned for long-term success at the brand level," said Larry Freed, president and CEO of ForeSee. "The ForeSee Experience Index research illustrates how individual drivers of customer satisfaction have a quantifiable impact on the likelihood of customers to purchase more and continue to do business with or recommend a brand. The report gives the companies listed a chance to benchmark themselves against each other in terms of the overall customer experience, and serves as an industry resource to give other businesses the opportunity to compare themselves to the best in class."

Are you an Amazon user/shopper? If so, what is it about their platform that is so satisfying? Is the experience that good? That much better than the rest? Share your thoughts with other Website Magazine readers by commenting below.