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Genome Maps Out Targeted Data for Advertisers

Written by Michael Garrity | May 16, 2012 5:00:00 AM

Late last year, Yahoo purchased ad targeting and optimization software provider Interclick with hopes to improve its advertisement targeting capabilities. Yesterday, the company announced that it was finally starting to put the platform to use.

That announcement was the Genome platform, an online advertising solution that will combine Yahoo user data with third-party data from Interclick and first-party data from advertisers, plus a premium media footprint that allows marketers to access Yahoo's inventory of guaranteed and non-guaranteed premium ads; all of this is designed to give marketers a complete, custom audience solution.

The new advertising solution ties together technology, data, analytics and media from Yahoo and Interclick, utilizing Yahoo's premium media and vast collection of user data in conjunction with Interclick's unified technology stack, third-party data partnerships and audience and analytics expertise.

Genome will leverage data to improve an advertisers return on investment (ROI), provide actionable insights relevant to campaign objectives and meet industry challenges, including data proliferation, technology fragmentation and outdated planning and buying techniques. Marketers will be able to easily organize and navigate the data ecosystem to build brand value and increase conversions and revenue.

Yahoo is presenting Genome as the culmination of its display ad agreement with Microsoft and AOL, as well as its purchase of Interclick, to offer an audience buying solution with best-in-class targeting and personalization capabilities.

The company anticipates that Genome will be available in July.