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Facebook Quality Checklist

Written by Peter Devereaux | Aug 28, 2013 5:00:00 AM

By Matt Hensler, Hensler Integrated Marketing 

We all know the saying, "Content is King", but what about quality vs. quantity? Quality is Queen and Facebook is onto it. Facebook recently announced its new algorithm would focus on "high quality content". Just as search engines pride themselves on delivering the right content to the right people at the right time, Facebook is following suit.

In the next few weeks, Facebook users should start to see content that is more relevant in their news feeds. This update directly affects business Pages on the network, as the News Feed ranking algorithm ensures that "the organic content people see from Pages they are connected to is the most interesting to them." But isn't that all relative? How will Facebook rank one brand's content higher than another? 

Facebook used the results of a survey (detailed in its blog post) to define and detect high-quality content. To ensure your company's posts rank, follow this high-quality checklist for Facebook:

1. Create a Content Calendar

Come up with a theme or timeline to ensure you cover everything you want to say and that posts are timely and relevant. 

2. Brand Your Messaging

Your fans already love your brand, so create messaging around your brand personality and make sure branding collateral is consistent to build credibility and trust.

3. Create Customized Graphics

Creating a simple square graphic takes just minutes and will set you apart from your competitors. Think about it, would you want to see stock photos all day on every page or see thoughtful, compelling images?

4. Look at Analytics

Knowing your audience is very important, of course. Review your most popular cities and make custom messages for them. Continue to optimize your posts for engagement and reach. 

5. Post once or twice per day, maximum

Don't upset the "Quality Queen" by posting too often. You are essentially competing with yourself along with the other millions of pages out there, so make it a little easier for yourself and stick to quality. (Of course, there are exceptions to this rule, but it's a good guideline.)

When in doubt, ask yourself: Am I just posting this to post a message? If you answer yes, start over. Facebook's algorithm was based on just a handful of survey answers, which all really come back to whether a user would want to see a message in their news feed. 

Matt Hensler is a digital marketing educator and award-winning digital marketer. With both in-house and agency experience, he works with small businesses, startups and Fortune 500 brands, including notable clients like DISH Network, Hailo, USA Today, Wells Fargo, Marriott and Chick-fil-A.