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QUICK HIT: The Role of Design in the Content Experience

Written by Peter Devereaux | Jan 16, 2023 6:00:00 AM
Content plays an important role in users' digital experience, but how individual content assets (as well as the broader content-focused experience) are designed can greatly influence the success of such initiatives. Website Magazine recently caught up with Superunion's Marta Swannie on the role of design in the content marketing experience and in today's QUICK HIT provides some powerful insights into the design and development of th emodern digital experience. 

Swannie: Design plays a huge role- it's not just about pushing content. It's about designing experiences that are relevant, personalized and user-centric. It 's also important to design specifically for each channel, and not just reproduce the exact same content everywhere.

Swannie: Digital is an area that has always moved and changed rapidly. The best thing you can do is keep an open mind, experiment and explore. With this kind of attitude, you will always be able to quickly adapt to future shifts.