SEO Tweets for 2009

Website Magazine asked several of the top Internet marketing and SEO experts what their focus would be for 2009. Share your thoughts by commenting below!


Sage Lewis: My goal is to get my clients to do REAL link building campaigns... good, relevant content first, links second. " Web Marketing from


Lee Odden: Winning the internet marketing game in 2009 will be about strong, smart marketing including Ads, Social, Email & Analytics - not just SEO. " Online Marketing Blog


Brent Payne: SEO strategy: landing page consolidation, duplicate content mitigation, Tribune network synergy, CMS SEO tools, & increase Y/Y visits 100%. " Tribune Interactive


Michael Gray: In 2009 I'm developing revenue streams that are not directly dependent on Google. " Atlas Web Service


Ann Smarty: 2009 plans: more connections within journalist circles and social media power users. Even more focus on content and unique approaches. " SEO consulting blog


Scott Polk: 2009 continuing w/ SEO Evangelism, Client Education, Social Marketing, Branding & definitely networking in the awesome community of friends.


Jeremy Rivera: To build online reputation, find links and interact with potential clients I will be focusing on creating and participating in social sites.  " Content Writing Advice Blog

Aaron Chronister: SEO plans for 2009: testing the influence and algorithmic impact of the massive amounts of user behavioral data Google has...and using it! " SEO Blog


David Snyder: I will be focusing on creating quality information architecture and controlling onsite crawl to control the indexing of my site " Social Media Marketing Company


Dave Rohrer: Quality content - lots & lots of it. Revisiting under performing content & building new content. Add in Social Networking & you have 2009 " Daver

Jill Whalen: We're focusing on fixing "broken" websites so that they work well for users and search engines by providing targeted traffic that converts! " High Rankings