WaveMaker Widget Development

WaveMaker, a visual development platform for Web applications, announced a new version of its solution that further reduces development costs for those interested in creating enterprise-ready data widgets.

Traditional approaches to web development require developers to write hundreds of lines of code to retrieve enterprise data and display it in a browser-based client. WaveMaker Studio solves this problem by creating custom data widgets for each database table, eliminating the need for hand coding to build applications that display and edit table-based information.

"WaveMaker 5 allows anyone to build a great-looking, database-driven web application with just three mouse clicks," said Chris Keene, CEO of WaveMaker. "WaveMaker's enterprise-ready data widgets automate all the heavy lifting needed to connect enterprise data to browser-based widgets. Our customers are finding that WaveMaker can knock out over 90% of the effort required to create rich internet applications."

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