If You Build a Mobile Site Will They Buy?

How mobile and tablet-friendly is your website?

If you don't like the answer, or worse don't know the answer, your enterprise is in trouble. In its latest Influence & Impact report, ShopVisible found that site traffic from mobile devices and tablets significantly increased - accounting for 30 percent of all visits. Smartphones alone accounted for 15 percent of traffic in 2013, peaking at 20 percent in Q4.

Sean Cook, co-founder and CEO of ShopVisible, reiterates that online retailers not providing an optimized experience across all devices risk losing sales. 

Mobile accounts for 15 percent of site traffic, but online shoppers are likely not getting the experience they want out of ecommerce websites, as ShopVisible's retail data shows that online 4 percent of orders are placed from those devices. When mobile users do purchase, however, the Average Order Value stays consistent with that of an order placed via desktop.