Understanding the Beast that is Social Media

Derek Schou
by Derek Schou 04 Jun, 2014

new study, 140 Proof and IPG Media Lab aim to help marketers understand how people are using social media. The study surveyed 500 mobile and online users of social media between the ages of 18 and 59.

An interesting finding of the study was that 61 percent had un-liked or un-followed a brand, 29 percent had only liked a brand and 10 percent had never liked any brands. The reasons people gave for ending their relationships with these brands, at least on social media, included "loss of relevance to their lifestyle, the desire to switch to a new brand, or a contest was coming to an end." 

Perhaps the most interesting finding from the study was that 60 percent of people agreed with the statement "I connect with different types of people, media and brands on different social platforms." This is also known as "Social Hygiene". Based off of this statistic, in order to better reach and engage with current and potential customers, marketers must understand on which platform customers are most likely to engage with brands.

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