If jQuery were a beautiful woman I would marry it. I say that because I keep coming across these amazing jQuery plugins that I believe absolutely any website can use to add a splash of interactivity - not because you can actually marry JavaScript libraries. The latest that caught my attention is Flip, a plugin for jQuery that essentially "flips" elements of your website in four directions (bottom to top or left to right and vice versa). Learn more about plugins.
The options this jQuery plugin has are very interesting as well. Designers and developers can define the content of the flipping box (works with HTML, text or a jQuery object), the direction they want that content to flip, the background starting and ending color as well as the speed.
Here are a few recent posts related to jQuery from Website Magazine:
Blow Users Minds With Three jQuery Plugins
jQuery is a JavaScript library that emphasizes interaction between JavaScript and HTML. jQuery is considered quite fast and lightweight and helps designers simplify how they handle HTML documents and events, perform animations and add Ajax interactions to their web pages. I know, I know - snooze.
jQuery Design: Pan & Cross Fade Animations
If you want a little more activity in your images, look no further than CrossSlide, a jQuery plugin which renders slide-show animations through Javascript. The plugin builds on jQuery's animation facility so it's accessible across browsers.